Britton Timbers is proud to announce it has earned Forest Stewardship Council ® (FSC-C113479) Chain of Custody certification for its range of imported timbers from Scientific Certification Systems - one of the world’s leading FSC certifiers.
Chain of custody certification provides a guarantee about the production and source of FSC-certified products. The main objective of Chain of Custody certification is to ensure that material from FSC certified forests is tracked through the production and distribution process.
Britton Timbers certification manager David Moore, said that FSC certification for popular timbers such as American White Oak, Ash, European Beech and others, was important to customers.
“Environmentally-sustainable products are increasingly sought-after in today’s market and Britton Timbers takes its responsibilities in this regard very seriously. Customers are entitled to seek reassurance about the fine timbers that are used on their floors and in their furniture, so certification is one major way to provide that additional environmental information.”
Complying with the FSC standard for Chain of Custody certification has meant that Britton’s has had to meet the specified requirements across a number of areas including:
Quality management-responses, procedures and records, materials sourcing and specifications, materials receipt, storage, identification and segregation and transport controls.